
sobre charles reznikoff (Revista nexos)

sobre vincente rojo (revista nexos)

sobre covidiarios (revista nexos)

on activism in the iowa caucuses (the nation)

on academic union busting (full stop magazine)

on the labor movement’s next wave in south dakota (the nation)

on challenging congress’s resident nazi (the nation)

on the midwestern left (the nation)

on anti-union laws in iowa (the new york times)


two poems in hot pink mag

one poem in best new poets 2021

two poems in hobart

one poem in washington square review

two poems in bennington review

two poems in the boston review

one poem in mississippi review


two poems by andrea alzati in Salones de belleza/the beauty salons, a collaborative poetry anthology between Aeromoto Library, Gato Negro Editions, and the UNAM